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Boho, Fall Wedding at the Conservatory at Sussex County Fairgrounds

November 4, 2022

I’m now at the age where I say things like “I’ve known you since you were in diapers!” and as cringy as that is, it’s the case with the groom in these photos. Not only is his sister one of my best friends since childhood, our parents (specifically our moms) have known each other since THEY were kids. My mom and the groom’s mom grew up together, played together, went to each others’ birthday parties, etc. And this was all in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. I’ve seen the photos from this time and it makes me *so* emotional to even think of them as kids. If we could blink and see our future children, grandchildren, etc. — what a crazy, surreal gift that would be.

Photos are kind of like that to me– like little love letters to the future.

I still remember going to Johnny’s house for the first time as a kid, seeing him (yes in diapers), and thinking “aww, what a cute baby.” His sisters and I played “Cinderella” (they had the plastic “glass” slippers so of course we did) and he was just CHILLING alongside us. Four years ago, I had the honor of photographing his and Lesly’s wedding. And just a few weeks ago I photographed their family, including THEIR “aww, what a cute” baby. Ahh. My heart bursts with joy. One day their son will look back at these photos and the thought of that alone gives me goosebumps. It’s all so, so special.

Their wedding day was perfectly them. It was a chilly, but beautiful sunny Fall day filled with emotion. The bride and groom opted for a first look before the ceremony where they actually shared their own vows privately. I think this is an awesome idea for couples who are more shy or who want to keep their vows private and it takes away the pressure of doing so in front of everyone.

I can’t speak for everyone, but when Johnny burst into tears as Lesly walked down the aisle, I couldn’t hold it together. I looked over at his mom crying and I lost it even more, haha. During the ceremony, they just repeated after the minister knowing full well their private vows were theirs forever. They had a special song performance by Richie & Misty and they took communion as husband and wife alongside their guests (served by the grooms father and uncle!) They walked down the aisle to loud cheers and sparklers – a true celebration!

After the ceremony, we quickly took family and wedding party photos as the sun set, and then joined in with everyone else for the cocktail hour & reception. Speaking of the reception, they created their own seating chart with polaroid photos of their guests that they had taken prior to the wedding. I LOVED that idea and it really made the wedding feel so intimate.

All in all, it was a perfect day. It’s so nice to look back at these moments and reflect on all the beautiful memories and miracles that have happened since then. Happy Anniversary, Johnny and Lesly <3

details, d e t a i l s

Photography: Fabiane Photography

Venue: Conservatory at Sussex County Fairgrounds

Hair & Makeup: The Glam Team

Dress: Tavifa Bridal

Suit: Asos

Florals: Groom’s Uncle

Band: El Americano

DIY: Seating Chart & Rugs Decor

Photo Booth: Metro Photo Bus

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MEET Fabiane

Photographer, wife, first-time mama, homebody inspired by the beach, good light, and you.

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