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Leonardo Andres | Newborn Session

April 21, 2014

It is such an extreme honor to be able to be a part of the Almonte’s lives. I documented their engagement session, their wedding, their maternity session, and now *finally* their baby “Almonster”– a living product of their love! I can’t even tell you how excited I was for this sweet boy’s birth-date. These photos were taken on Leo’s twenty-first day of life. I’ll be taking more pictures of him every month as he grows and I’m so excited to see him develop! I imagined him being born with curly hair just like his daddy, but maybe that will come at a later time 😉 


Leonardo Andres means “brave as a lion, strong, manly”— such an appropriate name for the little man that I got to spend last Wednesday with. 


Leo, I wonder if one day you’ll read this. I hope you do! I loved feeling you kick while you were in your momma’s belly, and holding you when you were newly born. I lovee taking pictures of you and your silly faces. Know that you are very, very, very loved! 



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  1. Maisa says:

    Loved it.Awsome pictures.Great model!!!!

  2. Abelita Mateus says:


  3. Julia Borges says:

    Loved it Fabz! Amei tbém seus comentårios carinhosos! Voce é muito especial! Love You!

  4. nancy GouvĂȘa Chagas says:

    Lindas fotos!